Monday 19 January 2015

Dear Diary: Boy or Girl? And what will I call them?

The big question: Boy or Girl?!?!

I bet it's the first thing that most newly pregnant women and their partners think about. OMG what am I having?! A boy? Or a girl?A lot of people say that they aren't bothered just as long as the baby is healthy, but they only say this when they are pregnant. And it's true, I'm not bothered what my baby is as long as my baby is healthy and happy. But before I was pregnant I thought I wanted a boy, I could just imagine my little boy to look just like Luke, dark hair, olive skin, dark eyes. But the more and more I think about it, I can now imagine a little girl, pale skin, bright green eyes and chocolate brown hair. Both are perfect in my mind. A lot of people ask the question “would you find out what you're having before they're born?” my answer is always “HELL YES” I am way to impatient not to. Plus I want that nice surprise when I can enjoy it. If I find out at birth is won't be a case of excitement over what sex the baby is, it'll be a case of “I don't care, as long as they are healthy?!”

I always said that I didn't want to pay for the gender scan, because I thought it was pointless, a few weeks later you have the 21 week scan and you can find out then. But after speaking to the midwife after my last scan, she told me that yes they can tell you the gender if it's visible to them, the scan really isn't for telling you the gender, it's more about the health checks.
So I booked my private gender scan with a company called Hello Baby, specialise in bonding scans. I originally booked mine for when I was exactly 17 weeks pregnant, but yesterday they moved my appointment forward so I will be 16+4 when I see my baby next.
I can't tell you how nervous/excited I am. I will so much more relaxed when I can see the baby move again.

When it comes to names it's the biggest conversation on mine and Luke's topic of discussion. Naming a person is the biggest thing I have had the thing about, it's so permanent. Not only have they got to suit it now, but what about when they are older? And what about other peoples opinion? It all matters right, or am I over thinking this, should I just go with what I want and not care about other people, easier said that done because I don't really know what I want. Boys names are easier I feel.

I really like traditional names for boys but for girls it's not so easy finding something I like, there reason isn't "traditional" names for girls. There's current names or older names. My friend sent me a list of 100 girls names to pick from, I chose 4 that could be a possibility.

We have settled on Joseph for a boy, but I do not want it to get shortened to Joe or Joey. This is going to be a hard task but everyone close to me knows how I feel. I love the name Joseph not Joe.

We are really undecided on a girls name. Do we want something a bit more unique, or something cute or something "normal" ?

Boys Names: 

Girls Names:

How did you decide on a name?

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  1. So exciting! I love the names that you have chosen. My lists where huge but I did like more boy names than girl names. The girl name was long but I didn't really love many girl names compared to my boys list. If that makes sense!

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    2. Finally my comments are working, had to change my theme to a simple on for now.

      Thanks for the comment Jen, now I know I'm having a girl, choosing a name is so much more difficult! :( xx

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  3. How exciting, i remember having to choose my kid's name's, it is very hard to decide but also very exciting. I love all the names you have chosen so far. I did not decide until last minute with all of mine. X

    1. Thank you, this is a battle I have everyday, what will I name my child. Now I know I'm having a girl, it's become even harder! I just can't choose. xx

  4. Hubby picked little man's name, I must say I didn't like it very much at first, but as soon as our son was born, I loved it and found that his name really suited him! x

    1. Me and my husband decided that we both have to love the name that we choose, which is VERY difficult haha. xx
