Thursday 1 January 2015

Dear Diary: 7 Weeks Pregnant

Well where do I start?
I'm writing this closer to 8 weeks rather than on the day I hit the 7 week mark.
It's been a crazy, emotional, messy week. On Friday the 14th, I spotted a little, which sent me into crazy panic mode, I was hysterical, I remember ringing Luke, who was and work, and I couldn't talk. I went straight to the doctors, (not my usual doctor) who sent me up to the Burnley's Early Pregnancy Unit (EPU). There they told me that spotting is normal in early pregnancy and that I shouldn't worry about it to much, but they would send me for a scan anyway, the midwife told me that as I was just 6 weeks pregnant that it may be to early to see anything just yet and not to panic if they don't.
So I had the normal belly scan and my bladder wasn't full enough so they did a horrible internal scan, and the woman who was doing the scan was lovely and explained what she could see... Which was the pregnancy sac and the yolk. Which was good news. No baby or heart beat just yet but they think my dates might be slightly off. So I have another scan booked in for the 2nd December, which from my doctors dates will make me closer to 9 weeks.

I was still an emotional wreck, every now and again bursting into tears begging, hoping, wishing everything will be okay. The same day my normal doctor rang me to ask if I was okay and said she was sorry that she wasn't in the practice to see me that morning, she made me an appointment for that evening and said she would do blood test. So I went down with Luke for these blood tests, and my doctor said that realistically if the hormone level comes back less than 2000 it's not a good sign...
So I had to wait all weekend not knowing what was happening, and after the internal scan I was loosing a tiny bit of blood, which made me panic naturally, but I got the weekend out of the way, and waiting nervously in the doctors waiting room. She called me name and I was ready to cry right then. I went in and she was really happy and asking if I was still having pregnancy symptoms, and of course I was/am. She then told me my hormone levels are 31000!!! ridiculously high! This way amazing news! It was definitely what I needed to hear. It's still not 100% sure that nothing is wrong, but medically if something was going wrong then my hormone levels wouldn't be that high. The fact my doctor was really reassured helped me too.
That was on the monday and I hadn't lost any blood Sunday or Monday, but Tuesday I spotted a teenie tiny bit, again sent me straight into the worst mood of my life, crying again I rang the EPU and explained but they said everything was normal and that there really isn't anything that they can do and that I would have to wait until my scan.
I've had no bleeding since then and my scan is in a week tomorrow. It seems to be dragging.
I've been off work since I found out I was pregnant, because I have m/c before and I'm a nervous wreck. I can't sleep. I have low iron levels which is making me exhausted. And anxiety is my worst enemy. Work is the last thing on my mind, I don't care enough.
Pregnancy symptoms this week; very sore boobs (which have swollen to twice their size and look awful), nausea more than sickness, but a couple of days I've actually been sick, and extreme tiredness. It's been ages since I put make-up on or actually brushed my hair properly. I can not wait to actually feel a million dollars.

That's it for week seven. 
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