Thursday 1 January 2015

Dear Diary: 12 & 13 Weeks Pregnant

Okay so I'm writing this at 13 weeks as I had my dating scan this week and they moved my dates forward by a few days.So I'm trying to play catch up now, so then hopefully I can be on the button each week.
But I'll recap over this last week anyway.
So going into week 12 was a big thing for me and my nerves, knowing I was at that vital crossing line and taking the risk of miscarriage down significantly was something I have been waiting and waiting for since finding out I was pregnant. Don't get me wrong the paranoia and the anxiety is still well and truly there, but I'm learning to live with it.
My symptoms haven't all gone, but they are less prominent, which is always good, I'm starting to feel a bit more human than I have been. The one thing I can not get over is the amount of times I sneeze in a day, I don't have allergies, and I don't have a cold, my doctor said this is normal with all the blood rushing to my baby that my sinus's can be affected.
My nausea seems to have stopped, only every now and again I'll feel it for 10 minutes at the most, or if something turns my stomach, but that doesn't last long.
Going for my scan was absolutely amazing but I'm going to write about that in it's own post.
My mum has already started buying, or finding things for the baby, and I just keep looking at everything I can't afford just yet. There's a lot of saving to do, as I would love to be back in my own place before the baby is here. It's what we need.

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