Thursday 1 January 2015

Dear Diary: 9 Weeks Pregnant

 WOW. Week nine...
Has been crazy, we had our scan on Tuesday the 2nd of December which confirmed that our little baby's heart is beating... I was so nervous driving up to the hospital, I tried drinking loads and loads of water so that the midwife wouldn't have to do an internal scan. When we got there at 9am she took me straight in but the water hadn't made it through to my bladder yet and she very nearly had to do another internal scan, but she kept looking on top on my stomach and she found Baby-B. It was amazing seeing my baby's little heart beating so fast, I was so emotional and cried. I did ask the midwife for a picture but she wouldn't let me have one, I was a bit gutted but I'll get a photo at my 12 weeks scan.
On Friday the 5th December we had our first midwife appointment, lots of questions about our family medical history and our own medical history. Midwife reassured me that she thinks everything is going to be okay with our baby but that reassurance only lasted until I was out of the room. It made it feel more real about being pregnant, getting my book, seeing the baby.
The midwife also told us it's never to early to start talking to our baby, so baby gets used to our voices and recognizes us. So every night Luke will say goodnight to me and goodnight to Baby-B, and every morning before he leaves for work he says goodbye to Baby-B... Further along we will start speaking to baby properly, for now we kind of feel a bit silly.
As for symptoms this week; my boobs are still very very sore, but sickness has backed off a little, every now and again something will knock me sick, but it passes, I have had a lot of cramps and pains this week which I have read up and they are normal, when I sneeze I get a really sharp pain on my right side which is called Round Ligament Pain, I have rang and seen my doctor to confirm. My doctor will be so fed up of seeing me by the end of this pregnancy, but she has been a star. It's been really helpful having a doctor that cares!

I'm due back at work this weekend, I'm more nervous about the questions people might ask. I'm not a very good liar, but I'm not ready to tell everyone yet. I want to wait until the 12 week mark, just so I know myself I'm safer. I'm going to tell me Team Leader, just so I have someone to trust and depend on a little in the work place. Sometimes there you need 5 minutes to yourself but it can be so hard to get! I'm going back with a relaxed attitude, knowing that my baby and me are more important! Fingers crossed it's not to stressful. 
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