Thursday 1 January 2015

Dear Diary: 8 Weeks Pregnant

Week eight has been uneventful. Not many changes other than my belly is definitely expanding. As for symptoms, same old nausea which is tiring me out so much, and very very sore boobs. I can't even look at them without wincing.
It's not to long, 4 days until our scan, I'm doing everything I can to ensure this baby is going to be okay, a beautiful healthy baby!
I've been feeling a bit emotional this week, and everything annoys me. I'm snapping at everything and everyone. In mine and Luke's current situation things are hard, and with my hormones going crazy so is my mind. But hopefully everything will be okay.
As for cravings, again nothing specific, I'm just craving food, food, food. I'm trying to eat a lot of fruit but it's hard, normally the fruits I like, I now don't. I'm eating a lot of oranges. Which is just my body's way of asking for certain vitamins.

Week nine will be more interesting as I will of had my scan.

Can't wait to see Baby-B. 
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