Saturday 3 January 2015

Dear Diary: My Scan Days

The moment we have all been waiting for, or just me?

I'll start with my first ever scan, it was at five weeks pregnant (at the point it was give or take a few days) when I first found a bit of spotting. It was on Friday 14th November. I was in floods of tears, I had no make-up on, my hair hadn't even been brushed but I honestly didn't care. I was sent to the Early Pregnancy unit at Burnley hospital, and the midwife there said it was completely normal to spot in early pregnancy but she would send me for a scan anyway, she also told me it may be too early to see anything, and not to panic if they don't. So I went down to their anti-natal, ultrasound department and had to wait in a waiting room, with lots of expectant mothers. I felt extremely uncomfortable, but I got on with it, I was called in with two minutes and the nurse who was doing the scan told be to relax and be comfortable and she explained what she was looking for. So I laid down, my mum right by my side, and the nurse started the scan but told me my bladder wasn't full enough and that she would have to do an internal scan. So I emptied what was in my bladder and came back for the internal scan. I wasn't bothered that my mum was there, I was happy she was, I needed her there. So the nurse explained to me about the internal scan, which I vaguely remember having one right before my m/c nearly 6 years ago. I was a nervous wreck and the nurse seemed to be looking forever, and it hurt a little, she finally stopped and told me she could see a pregnancy sac and a yolk (which the baby is made from) but she said it's way too early to see a fetal pole or a heartbeat. So I went back to the EPU and the midwife there just explained again what the nurse could see, and she said I would have to come back for a scan in two weeks, however she booked my scan for 3 weeks later.

I started to calm down a bit but the wait killed me. I was still getting pregnancy symptoms and my hormones level were through the roof, so it was all reassuring.  

On the 2nd December the day finally come for me to go for my next scan, at this point from my first dates I was about 9 weeks pregnant. So I got up at the crack of dawn, drank lots of water and went back to the EPU in Burnley, I was half an hour early for my appointment and this time Luke was with me. The midwife called me in straight away and asked the right questions and told me to lay on the bed and she would have a look, so I didn't go to the ultrasound department this time. The midwife told me my bladder was empty and that the water I drank hadn't reached my bladder just yet and said she would have to do another internal, I was devastated, it was the last thing I wanted since the last one hurt me! But she kept looking on my stomach and she found my baby! It was amazing, I burst out into tears, and I saw the heartbeat flickering away before she even pointed it out to me. The baby didn't look like a baby at this point and the midwife said I was measuring to be about 8 weeks pregnant, so I was put back nearly a week. I asked for a picture of the scan but the midwife told me I wasn't allowed one and that she couldn't even sell me one, which upset me but I think it was because it was a medical scan, not a normal one? Maybe?

That week on the 5th December I had my first midwife appointment which went great and they made me feel a bit more relaxed about my pregnancy and whats normal and what isn't. They also booked my 12 week dating scan for the 30th December at 10:40am, I was so please it was before the New Year, and it was in the same month, which made it feel a lot closer. Until a week in when it seemed to be dragging.
On the 30th December, I literally woke up at 1am and just couldn't get back to sleep it was an absolute nightmare. I then got up at 7am, and started pottering around trying to kill some time. It wasn't easy. The appointment letter told me to drink 2 pints of water an hour before the appointment and not the visit the toilet before hand. So I went to the toilet at 9o'clock, I drank 3 bottles of water and set off to the hospital. I got there for 10:20am and signed in and was asked to wait in the waiting room, at this point I started to really feel my bladder, my appointment time came and my appointment time went, I was in agony! I was dying to go to the toilet. At 11am they finally called me in, and I told the nurse straight away that I was bursting for the toilet, and they apologised and said someone called in sick but if I'm ever feeling that uncomfortable again I was to tell the receptionist, she was really nice and I was making a joke of really needing to pee. Anyway she started the scan and was amazed at how clear it was because of how full my bladder was. I wasn't thinking about the toilet anymore, I saw my baby again, but this time an actual baby, and it was moving and jolting around inside me, again I was in floods of tears and Luke's face was a picture! I don't think he knew what to expect! The nurse pointed out everything to us, it's heart beating, it's little face, legs and arms. She told me my bladder was that full it was pushing the baby up making baby move a lot more, I was so shocked that the baby was moving so much but I couldn't feel a single thing.
She finished the scan and I had to run to the toilet, so I didn't get a chance to ask her if everything was okay. When I came out another lady asked me to wait in the waiting room after getting my picture tokens. Luke said he had asked the nurse if everything was okay whilst he was waiting for me and she said everything looks completely normal, putting my mind at rest!
I was then called in for the second part of my appointment and a midwife there went through everything, they moved my dates forward by 5 dates, so I was actually closer to 13 weeks than 12. Which is always good news. She told me everything looked perfectly fine with the baby and that I don't need to worry as much. I have been given my 20 week scan date for the 20th February which at first didn't seem that far off but I know it's feel like forever.
I am booking a private gender scan for the 29th January anyway so I have that to look forward.

But for now, this is my amazing baby, I can not stop looking at this picture, I am in love!
 Baby's first picture. 
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