Thursday 1 January 2015

Dear Diary: 6 Weeks Pregnant

So it’s been just over a week since we found out that we’re expecting. I’m a nervous wreck.
Every cramp or every knock and I’m thinking something is wrong. I need to relax. We’re half way through the first trimester, yey! Every milestone! It’s crazy to think that I was pregnant for four weeks without knowing! But I’m glad that I didn’t find out at 2 weeks, I would have been crazy anxious.
I have been more crampy this week, and my stomach is now looking podgey, it’s not hard to touch just yet, but it’s definitely getting more round. I love it. Makes me smile every time I stroke my hand over my teenie tiny bump that’s forming.
I have felt really sick, but more nausea than sickness, I haven’t found anything like settles it really, and all I want to drink is milk, and eat absolutely ANYTHING! I am hungry ALL the time.
Oh my god, I can not tell you how sore my boobs are, it’s not fun!!! I can’t; walk, lay down, sit up, it’s a nightmare.
But on the exciting side, I have been given my first midwife appointment, on the 5th of December, it can’t come quick enough, all the questions I have already, the appointment is going to last all day. I’ll be 9 weeks and a couple of days pregnant then. I was so excited I couldn’t stop smiling once I put the phone down to the midwife. My doctor has been my hero these last couple of weeks, everything I need she’s helped with, she has made me relax, and told me that she’s going to be there every step of the way! I really appreciate everything she’s doing for me, I need someone who is patient with me.
I’m finding it really difficult not to look and buy everything I see and like. But so far I have done really well not too.
We have decided that we’re going to get the gender scan too, one I will most likely want to see the baby again, and two for accuracy. I can’t wait to find out what my little bean is.

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