Thursday 1 January 2015

Dear Diary: 10 & 11 Weeks Pregnant

I thought I would write about these two weeks together, as they have both been very similar.
I'm still a paranoid mess, but I'm starting to relax about the pregnancy a bit more, and trying to enjoy it. It helps that I am back at work now, and have that bit of normality back into my life.
My Team Leader and Manager both know about the pregnancy and they have both made me feel really comfortable. Knowing that they are okay with me and knowing how nervous I am, has made me feel so much better being back at work. I needed to go one day because I was getting terrible pains and I was so worried, I literally just had to email my manager and say I have to go, and walked out. He understood completely and didn't make me feel like I had done anything wrong, which is so reassuring, knowing that they understand my needs. A few people have been asking what's wrong with me and why was I off for so long, some rumor went around that I was leaving, but I guess people will find out the truth sooner or later. We had our Christmas party, with free wine and beer, obviously I couldn't drink, and used the excuse I was on antibiotics, which isn't a lie, I was actually on them, so no lying for me, yey! I don't know if people started guessing from then. I
I'm still not sleeping very well, waking up during the night to go to the toilet, but not getting back to sleep. So I end up falling to sleep very early the next night. It's hard getting out of the vicious circle.
As for symptoms, everything seems to be calming down a bit, my boobs are still tender, but sickness has more or less disappeared. But with the exception to funny smells, they turn my stomach a lot, and I've never really been queasy. I've been put off certain foods, baby doesn't like Indian or Chinese food, and I love both! It's a nightmare.
I'm getting a mad craving for vinegar lately, well anything tangy, but I can't have pickled anything because that knocks me sick. I sneeze so much, but sometimes it really hurts in my stomach, like a really sharp stabbing pain, but apparently it's just my ligaments stretching.
Bump is getting a lot bigger now and it's getting hard to stop people from noticing, I think people at work are guessing anyway.
I have my dating scan in a matter on days I can't wait. I'm very nervous, but once I know the baby is safe and healthy I'll be able to enjoy seeing him or her.
I'm 12 weeks tomorrow!
We bought baby's first outfit today, so cute, it's got a doggy that looks just like Elijah on, and the hat has little ears! It's amazing. 
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