Sunday 25 January 2015

Dear Diary: A Day Off Together

Because January and February are our "peak" trading months at work, no one is allowed a Saturday off... And for some is seems we're also not allowed Sunday's off.
I'm not the only one but I haven't had a Sunday off since Christmas, and I'm knackered. I've had random days off here and there, but I finally have two days of together. And one of them is a Sunday!

And whats more exciting is that the husband is off for both of them days too.
We don't get a lot of opportunities to spend time with each other. He works Monday to Friday and leaves the house at 7:30am and doesn't get in until after 8 at night.
I work every shift under the planet (or so it seems) but because I work weekends, it's been a long time since we have had a day off together. By the time we both get in, had our teas, I'm knackered and just want to get to bed. When I'm tired I like my own space and time, just to unwind and take my mind off my busy day. Luke's the same he needs his space to unwind. So it's a cuddle and a kiss and off to bed I go.

It's also difficult because we haven't had our own place in 6 months, so doing anything just us feels a bit selfish. But we all need that. Once we're back in our own home and the baby is here, we'll have plenty of family time.

We haven't got much planned for today, I think we're just going to enjoy relaxing a bit, take a trip to my mums, walk to dog and lounge around in our comfies. Might sound boring, but it sounds bloody perfect to me. I can't remember the last time we got a chance of doing nothing together so I'm really looking forward to him waking up and we can enjoy it together.

Tomorrow of course we have our private Gender Scan booked, and being able to have today to relax and get excited about it is something I'm really grateful for. I didn't want to only get the chance to speak about the excitement an hour before the scan.

I do miss days of us goofing around and enjoying each others company, maybe we need a little break together?

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