Thursday 1 January 2015

Dear Diary: 5 Weeks Pregnant!

We haven’t long since found out. I have known about my little bean growing inside me for five days now, and got my dates “confirmed” (sort of) by the doctor only two days ago. I was over the moon when she confirmed that I am pregnant, it’s what I have wanted for a long time. I’m feeling very crampy and sick today though. I haven’t been sleeping very well so I’m exhausted, but it’s what’s to come anyway, so I better get used to it. I am very excited and can’t stop thinking about it. I don’t have a bump, but my belly is quite swollen and looks bloated.
I’m finding it difficult not to get worried about every little thing, because I want everything to be perfect and most of all I want my baby to be healthy. At this point I have only told a select few people, just the people I want round me incase something was to go wrong, and the people I know that will be around when everything is going great.
We have nick-named our growing baby “Baby-B” and that is what we refer to the baby as.
When we found out five days ago, Luke went out and bought me some lilies (my favourite flowers), a big teddy bear (names Klaus) and two Dr. Seuss books (Green Eggs & Ham, The Cat in the Hat), he’s a sweetie. Luke is feeling really nervous about this whole situation. It’s a tricky situation, but with something amazing within it. He’s going to be a great father, I know he is.
I have been signed off work for a week because I am just so tired and stressed out. I also found out that the reason I am so tired is because of my iron levels are really low, so I’m anaemic (which runs in the family, sort of), so I’m on iron tablets to help me get better. I don’t like my job much, because of the pressures, and it’s not the right place for me right now. When I go back to work, I am going to tell them about the pregnancy and speak to our HR department to see if there is anything they can do to make things a little less stressful.
I have made myself worry so much this week, with the cramps that are going on, and I was having a coughing fit and the sharpest pain happened at the bottom of my stomach to the side. Instantly panicked, Luke had to calm me down and tell me that I have probably just pulled a muscle or something, spoke to my mum who said the same thing. I guess it’s normal to worry though right?!
I have a doctors appointment tomorrow (06/11/14), because I had some blood test done earlier this week so I’m getting the results. This is also when I will find out when my antenatal appointment is. My doctor is also putting in for an early scan, for both mine and her peace of mind. So that’s something to look forward to.
I have worked out that the 12 week mark is Christmas Eve, so we can tell the world about our baby at Christmas, and hopefully I’ll have a scan picture to show everyone. I’m finding it so difficult to keep the news to myself. I can imagine it’s the same for the people I have told too. All I want to do is talk about it. BABY BRAIN!

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