Tuesday 13 January 2015

Dear Diary: 14 Weeks Pregnant

Finally I am caught up with my weeks. It's been a crazy week and blogging has taken a step back, but hopefully things are finally going to settle down. Lots of personal things have been happening at "home" but it's pushed us in the right direction and made us think a lot about how things are going to be when the baby is here.

First thing first on our to do list is finding our own place, and finally being ourselves again. No stress. No drama. Easier said than done sometimes. But onwards and upwards.

This week in my pregnancy, everything has started to settle down symptoms wise. My boobs are no longer incredibly painful, and sickness isn't an issue anymore. Every now and again something will turn my stomach and make my gag, but I'm no longer afraid I'm going to be sick.
These symptoms not being as prominent now is a blessing and a curse. I'm obviously very grateful to be feeling more like myself and less like a zombie. But at the same time the symptoms were comforting because they made me "feel pregnant". I know that chances of m/c are very slim after the 12 week scan, and finding out everything is okay, but I also know that nothing is ever certain.
I really need to stay away from google, I keep reading horror stories, mixed in with a lot of great stories. But that one bad story in the middle of 10 good stories makes me panic.
I'm back in paranoid/anxiety mode and it's not doing me too good.

I have been crazy emotional these last couple of weeks, everything makes me cry. The personal stuff that has been going on at home hasn't helped, but I have a lot of support behind me and that's all that matters. But it's not just the big things that are making me cry, it's even down to a soppy song on the radio, or a cute moment in a film, and the more I sob the worse I am, once I have started I can not stop.

I'm craving a lot of milk lately, it's all I want to drink, especially in the morning. As soon as I wake up, I want my toast and I want my glass of milk. It could be worse though. Milks not the worse thing someone can crave. My vinegar craving isn't has bad anymore, I do crave it when I have chips in front of me, or if I want a packet of crisps it's got to be salt & vinegar.

Everyone is crazy about guessing the sex of the baby, which makes me so excited to talk about, I can not wait to be able to refer to baby as he or she, him or her, or by their names. (I'm going to do a separate post about names)
A lot of people are guessing girl though. A few people saying it's because of how I'm carrying, a few people saying because of my cravings and even one person asked me about the colour of my pee (what?!?!) - it's always the height of conversation with me though.

My bump is growing a lot lately, it feels like it grows inches over night! Every time I leave the house people stare or ask how far a long I am, which I love again, because every chance to talk baby I jump at it. Every one says that my bump is big for 14 weeks pregnant. But it was the same with my mum, as soon as she found out she was pregnant, the morning after she would have a massive bump, it was crazy, but I guess I just take after my mum in that sense. I love my bump though, I hold & cuddle it all the time. I'm constantly pushing lightly on it to see if I can feel anything, but I can't :( - not yet, it's a bit to early yet. I feel so much better not having to hide my growing stomach from the world, instead I'm embracing it.

Work hasn't been easy, it's been really busy as this is our peak times, which means we don't get a lot of time to be away from our desks, which is giving me a lot of back problems, and I've been getting a lot of achy/dull pains, some times shooting pains, I have been told this is normal though. But it got to the point the other day I had to ask for 5 minutes just to stretch my legs a bit. There is another woman on my team at work, who is 5 weeks further a long than me, which I find really comforting having someone to talk to about the symptoms and normalities of everything. She has just started feeling her baby kick on the outside now. I can't wait for that day! - We have both asked for back braces for our chairs at work and foot rests, hopefully these help.

I am also starting to look into joining Aqua Natal classes and yoga classes, because I have been very lazy through-out this pregnancy, and I think I need to get off my ass and do something. I have heard that Aqua Natal is really good if you have back problems too. Just what I need, there's a place called Splash in the town next to mine, and it's great because the sessions are on a Thursday night, so perfect to go straight after work.

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