Thursday 1 January 2015

Dear Diary: Finding Out

I think the story of how you find out you're pregnant is always a special one, whether your pregnancy is planned or whether it's a surprise.

My story is probably like most peoples but to me it's special and unique because it was how I was feeling at the time.

Like I said in my "We're Pregnant" post, we were trying for this baby for little over a month. I had my coil removed on the 10th September, and found out I was pregnant on the 31st October.
Me and Luke had been in Los Angeles for a week, and whilst I was there I was extremely tired all the time, and about 3 days in, I was really poorly and sick (I tried not to let it affect my holiday), and every day after that I felt nauseated, I pinned a lot of it on eating a lot of different foods, and eating bigger portions (I was in America!). But the nausea didn't stop me from being hungry at all, which I found odd, but I tried not to let myself get excited about being pregnant, I wanted to carry on the holiday as if I wasn't.
Whilst we was at the airport I did allow myself to start thinking about it, and it was when Luke brushed past me to get something, I realized that my boobs were hurting. I tried telling myself that it was all in my head, and I was hoping for something to happen, but it hadn't been long enough since we started trying.
So we boarded the 10 hour flight back to London, then another 1 hour flight back to Manchester and eventually got home about 7pm, it had been such a long day, but I had told a friend that we would go round to her house, to watch a scary film for Halloween, I was rushing around getting ready for that, so I didn't get a chance to do a test, but it was always on my mind. We got home about 11:30pm and Luke was flat out in seconds, I had kept all these pregnancy thoughts to myself because he always told me I was getting myself to excited.
Whilst Luke was sleeping I was pottering around unpacking stuff, and I had done one of my strip test. I just left it on the side and thought I'll come back to it in a few minutes, thinking "it's going to be negative anyway"... after a few minutes I finally looked down, and just looked away, then I did a double take and immediately started to tremble! There was definitely something there. I stared at it, thinking am I seeing things... I started shaking and called for Luke, he didn't move so I shouted him, he jumped up, and I burst out crying! He sat on the edge of the bed so I walked round to him and he held me asking what was up, and I held the pregnancy test up and said "there's something there, can you see it?" I was shaking so much, he starting laughing and said "I can't see anything with you shaking like that woman! Calm down" I started laughing through my sobs and he took the test off me and looked properly, I started pacing thinking oh my god what if he can't see something and I made it up, seconds felt like minutes and he said that he could definitely see something there.

I rushed to the toilet and did another strip test, which came back positive, I was shaking, laughing, crying, bouncing, Luke was laughing at me so much. He hadn't slept proper in nearly 24 hours, but was wide awake at this point, we spent an hour cuddling and talking, but eventually he drifted off. But not me, I was wide awake, 2 hours passed and I did another test, positive. I had saved a clearblue test for this moment, but I wanted to wait until the morning, when the hormone would be at it's strongest. Luke got up at 7am, I hadn't been asleep, but I could wait any longer, and did the digital test. It seemed to take forever for the word to appear but there it was "PREGNANT" my heart started racing and then it took another few minutes for the weeks to come up. 1-2 since ovulation it said which works out to be 3-4 weeks pregnant on the chart.

That day I went to my mums with the tests to show her, and my friend Zoe came to my house, and I told her... She then asked me to do more test whilst she was there, so I did two more strip test, all positive, then I continued to do the strip tests until I had none left, all positive and getting stronger each time. I put them all together so it's easy to see. I love looking at it.

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