Friday 1 May 2015

Dear Diary: Week 29 & 30

Wow, it's been a busy two weeks...

First I will start with my baby shower. This was something I knew I wanted to have even before I was pregnant. I know it is a typically American thing, but I've been to a couple now and they are just so much fun without everyone getting wasted or just standing around at a normal house party.
I got myself into a bit of a funk about getting everything for the shower like food, cake etc... But we did in the end.
I had a lot of help from some very special people, who I couldn't of done it without, and it wouldn't of happened without them. I think I kept my calm with the preparations though, I have to be involved, but I was quite calm and collected which I am not known for.
I wanted a few family members to come first so I got to have a bit of quiet time with them, as I don't see my family often, and I don't think I have seen some whilst I have been pregnant, so it was nice to see the family members who came, and speak to them about the baby and everything that is going to happen.
Then I had my friends come round, I was really nervous about people showing up, but I have a great group of friends, who I shouldn't doubt. My living room has never seen so many people. A few of my friends brought their babies round to, so I got to be all broody and have some cuddles.
It was really nice to see so many of my "girl friends" together, and with day to day life, work and what not, it's not always easy to see everyone, so getting everyone together was a lot of fun.
We played silly games relating to a baby in some way. Baby bingo, guess the nursery rhyme, baby charades, and pass the dummy (which was by far the funniest).
Indie got so many gifts of everyone, she was clearly very spoilt. Lot's of blankets, towels, toys and clothes. And a very special keepsake box. Luke was happy because the clothes she got weren't pink ha!
Very lucky, and I really appreciate all the gifts off everyone!
Thank you notes are on their way I promise!

 What was your baby shower like?

The day after the baby shower, my friend who brought her baby with her, told me her son had come out in chicken pox, and I should get tested. She felt awful, like she had done something, but stuff like this can not be helped. But I rang the Triage just for some advise, they told me I need to be tested for immunity. So they sent of some blood samples, and it took forever to come back, but luckily I'm immune to chicken pox. My mum had told me I've had them twice as a child. Lucky as it can be quite dangerous during pregnancy, from what I have read up on anyway! (should stay away from google)

Everything was going great, well as great as back ache, leg cramps and the non existent ability to tie your shoe laces could go. But there was no other concerns really. Indie was kicking more, and I could actually feel everything from her turning, to stretching, I even felt her have the hiccups. All these movements are so reassuring, and I always wake up about 6 every morning and lie there feeling everything, it makes my day, knowing she's okay in there... 
Then I had my booking appointment at the hospital to get officially registered over in Manchester, that went fine, but I mentioned that I was getting quite short of breath, especially at night and having heart palpitations, she took more blood and said it's probably to do with low iron issues. 
The following week (so this Tuesday just gone) I had my GTT diabetes test, again at the hospital, so I had the first bit of the test and the nurse told me to go back in two hours. I had a midwife appointment booked, which I was going to cancel, but thought I may as well go as I'd like to hear the baby's heartbeat again, and ask a few questions. 
So I went and it was a fill in midwife as mine was on some training day. She listened to the baby's heartbeat which was nice and strong. And then she measured my bump. She plotted it on my chart, but the last time on that chart I was 26 weeks, and she told me that it looked like my baby wasn't growing properly. Then I mentioned the breathlessness and she rang the hospital, asked for my blood results and told me that my iron was fine, then she told the hospital about the growth of the baby, and said I had to go into the day care unit. 
So I went back to the hospital, finished my GTT test and the nurse then took me down to the day care unit (this nurse was the rudest lady ever, in my panicked mode she was not compassionate at all). They put me on the monitor for the baby's heartbeat and told me to press a button every time the baby moves. Which I did. I kept asking them about the growth and they just kept dodging my questions. The midwife there took another measurement and said she was going to investigate. I was on the monitor for hours, and I was on my own. Then the rude nurse came in and said "Gemma your scan is going to be after lunch, here's some dinner" she more or less threw a brown bag at me and walked off. I didn't even know I was going for a scan! So I'm panicking more thinking all sorts, knowing that they don't send everyone for scans. Luke came rushing out of work to be with me. 
The scan showed that everything was fine, the water around baby was normal, the blood rushing threw the placenta was normal, baby was on the small side but not dangerously so, and she was healthy. 
So when I went back into the clinic, a midwife was like "right you can go now" literally no answers?! So I asked, why has all this happened, I was told my baby isn't growing properly and I've been in hospital all day? To then be told, the fill in midwife had made a mistake, and my measurements shouldn't of been taken, and I should also of never been measured at 26 weeks! Obviously I was relieved that Indie was healthy and I didn't need to worry about her, but wow, I was in proper panic mode thinking they were going to have to bring her early, and that I wasn't prepared for her yet. 

Both me and Luke came out of that hospital in a right mess of emotions, angry, happy, relieved, confused? 
All I am grateful for is getting to see Indie again and knowing she's healthy and okay. 
She's done nothing but wriggle since!

My pregnancy these last two weeks:
Not much has changed, other than movements getting stronger, Luke had his hand on my stomach the other morning, and it felt like she was stretching. It freaked him out a little, but I loved it! 
My cravings are exactly the same, milk in the morning (and lots of it), fizzy pop in the afternoon. I've also been needing a bit of chocolate during the day, otherwise I just seem to crash. 

I've been waking up every morning between half past five and six, no matter what time I go to bed. This is really frustrating. Half way through the day I get very very tired and need to nap, and then I'm back in bed for 9. My body is very tired. 

My bump suddenly feels ginormous, and my stretch marks are getting quite bad now. They're mainly on the sides of my body and down the top of my thighs, which is where I carry a lot of my weight. 
I know I'm going to struggle to lose the weight on the legs, but I will. It's on the list of to dos, but it's not my priority. 

I'm starting to enjoy pregnancy a bit more lately. 

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  1. It sounded like an amazing baby shower, pictures looked so cute! I bet you just can't wait to get her out huh? :) x

    1. Nope I can not wait! But 10 long weeks left :( xx

  2. Baby showers are a lovely way to celebrate. Your bump is looking big now but so cute.

    1. Thank you. I feel like a whale most days though! Ha xx
