Tuesday 19 May 2015

Dear Diary: Week 31 & 32

Well this is going to be a short one really.

As far as my pregnancy goes, everything has been plain sailing over the last two weeks. Not much as changed, other than my bump growing and growing and growing.
I'm starting to waddle when I walk, which many people are enjoying laughing at me for.

I've always been a bit of a picky eater, but since getting pregnant I have really gained an appetite. It the strangest of ways. I used to hate red meat, I would eat it if I had too, but my body is clearly craving it. There has been a few times at a restaurant were I have ordered a steak or a beef burger, but it's just not me. It's strange.
I was trying to explain what a craving during pregnancy feels like to a friend the other day. I honestly feel like it's completely different from just fancying a bar or chocolate or a beer or something. For me it's like I need to have what I'm craving, and I can't shift that feeling until I have it.
For instance I crave milk in the morning, and I have to have it... The other morning there wasn't any, and I could of cried, I didn't want to leave the house all day but I had to, my car was flashing because I needed petrol, but it was enough to get me to the local Asda and back for milk, I felt like I couldn't survive without it.

I finish work next week, I can't tell you how much I need to finish. The stress of the job is just getting to much, the atmosphere is not very nice, and because of my hormones I just feel really really down when I am there. That and the fact I am sitting at a desk all day on a computer chair is just so painful, I literally wince when I get up off my chair.
I'm looking forward to my nesting period. I have decided that I will clean one room at time, that way I know I am doing a thorough job, starting from the upstairs. People already joke that I have OCD, but I'm actually really looking forward to it.

I've been slowly getting Indie's nursery together, I love just walking in there and staring at her stuff, going through her clothes all the time, or re folding blankets and towels. I'm not 100% sure what I want for her bedding, or her theme, but I think it's coming on nicely.
Putting them shelves up was a task and a half. Because they are so solid, we had to put them up with a drill, and neither me or Luke are DIY people. It took 4 attempts, but we did it. There is 6 different holes under them shelves. Glad no one can see them. All of them drawers are full to the brim, and her cot is full of clothes waiting to go into her wardrobe. I love white furniture, and the pine on the drawers and shelves really work for a nursery. I just love how everything is coming together. Her cot was a gift off my mum and the shelves off a friend, I love the amount of help that we're getting. We're so grateful.

We have got most of Indie's things now, there are a few bits and bobs we need to get. We got her pram the other day, which was off Luke's dad and Step-mum. We went with the iCandy Peach Jogger in Glazier. I love it. It's currently in my hallway, which gives me every opportunity to push it around my living room. I asked Luke if I could push it outside and he said no! ha.
I had done a lot of research into prams, because originally I wanted the Silver Cross Surf. But after doing my research The Silver Cross reviews were saying that they aren't very good for an older baby/toddler, and that they are quite small. But a lot of the reviews about the iCandy were great, the adapted push chair will fit a 3 year old in comfortably. I know a 3 year old will probably be walking or in a buggy, but at least I know it will last us. We just need a maxicosy car seat to fit onto the adapters.
The changing bag goes perfectly with my pram, I love it. It's so big and has the most pockets you can possibly imagine could fit onto/into a bag. This was a gift off another friend of mine. I love Babymoov - everything just looks decent, and they have great reviews on most of their products.

My bump is getting very big now, and people joke that I might be having twins, or that I am going to give birth to an 11 pounder!!
I am getting uncomfortable now, I just wish I was full term then I would know I don't have long left to go. These next 8 weeks is going to be the longest 8 weeks of my life. I've never been patient. I am starting to enjoy her movements a lot more now. She's getting stronger and watching my stomach move it amazing...
31 week movements

32 week movements

I love watching them videos. Every night around 9pm is when she really starts to wriggle. I can sit for hours watching her, if she would move for hours, but she has about half an hour and then she stops. Every time I shout to Luke or anyone to watch, she stops. Or even when I get the camera out to video her, she stops. Sods law. She's not much of a kicker and she isn't very active, but I'm not as worried as I was because I think that is just her natural movements.  

My stretchmarks are appearing more (I would say getting worse, but I guess they are something to be proud of), all down the sides of my thighs and all over my "love handles". I feel like my legs look huge, but they are very swollen and my feet are starting to swell up during the day when I'm out and about. Hopefully all these things disappear or fade after birth.

Here are my tiger stripes this week...

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  1. Wow that is a huge bump! Glad you are okay and baby is too. Not long left x

    1. Haha! Everyone says the same about my bump! I feel like she's big enough now, I feel ready to her her now xx

  2. So exciting! I can't wait to have babies, all those tiny clothes! The nursery looks beautiful!


    1. Thank you! It's scary.
      I'm loving how her nursery is turning out :) x
