Saturday 30 May 2015

Dear Diary: Week 33 & 34

Wow, a lot has happened in this last couple of weeks...

Week 33...
I finished work this week, which in all honesty felt absolutely amazing! Pressing that log out button on my phone was just pure heaven.
At the same time over the last few months I have gotten really attached to the girls on my team, and I'm quite sad that I won't see them as much.
My team gave me the best send off, I came into work on my last day, to my desk full of balloons and banners.
All thanks to my Team Leader! What a legend.
All my team brought in food and presents for Indie, it was just a really nice special day. I thought I would get more emotional than I did but I kept myself together quite well. It was only on the car ride home, on my own, that I got a bit tearful. Again not about leaving work more about the people. Everyone from the department had signed a card for me, I love reading through it. Thanks guys!

Week 34...
My first week off work started off not so good. I was worried about Indie's movements, she had moved just not as much, so I rang the Triage and they told me to go in straight away. So at half 10 at night me and Luke went into hospital, the midwife there took my measurements and then told me that I would have to be scanned, I was put on the monitor for 45 minutes, were I heard Indie's heart beating nice and strong. A doctor then came and told me that the reason they want to scan me is because of growth issues again and that if I was further along they would be looking at inducing me, but at nearly 34 weeks, they want to do more test. 
So the next morning I head to the hospital, on my own, to be put on the monitor again for half an hour. But I'm not complaining, because listening to Indie's heart beating is the best noise I could ever listen too...
I could listen to this all day everyday. Then I went down for my scan, and waited for the results, I was told by the midwife that I need re-scanning next week just to double check that she's growing or not growing, and then I would have to speak to a senior doctor to create a plan.
Which is really scary because I don't know what to expect. Some part of me wants her to come now, but that's just me being impatient. I just want her to be safe! 
I have now packed Indie's hospital bag, so at least if she does come early I know she is prepared. 
We also went shopping for my hospital bag stuff today, so as soon as that is packed I am ready. 

It's crazy that if everything is okay with the scans then I still have 6 weeks to go. Seems like forever away. But in a couple of days I will be able to officially say "I'm having my baby next month" which makes it feel a little bit closer. 

I decided to have my younger brother and sister over for a couple of days, one it gave them something to do during the school holidays, two it gave me something to do and three it helped take my mind off the hospital and whats going to happen. 
It was lovely having them over, I feel like I barely get to see them with me living so far away. 
The first day they were here, we took Elijah out for a walk and spent the afternoon making daisy and buttercup chains.
And the second day we decided to bake (sort of). We made white and milk chocolate rice crispy cakes, and I bought on of those ready made kits. It's was really fun and gave us all something to do. 
It tired me out though, I dropped them off back at my mums, came home and had a 3 hour nap. 

These last two weeks have been very tiring, I just want to sleep all the time. Nap time is my favourite time. 
My cravings are the same, milk in the morning and fizzy pop in the evening. And my appetite is forever there, there is no stopping the amount of food I want to eat. 
My legs are getting really bad for cramps, that's why I've been trying to get out a lot with Elijah, for some leg exercise, which really does help. I'm going to be looking into Aqua Natal as well now that I'm off work. 

We have bought everything Indie needs now, so it's all just a waiting game. 

Here's my tiger stripes this week...


  1. Wow! Beautiful :) The insight to what happens when your pregnant is interesting - I can imagine how good it must have felt to leave work! Adore the chosen name too. Best of luck and I hope all goes well xx

  2. That little heart beat and the sounds of healthy movement are some of the best sounds in the universe. Congrats and good luck in the next few weeks xx

  3. Oh I love this idea of a diary on your blog. I do project365 which is a photo a day for the year. #ukbloggers xx Mummy2Monkeys xx
