Tuesday 7 April 2015

Dear Diary: Week 25 & 26

Not much has changed in my pregnancy in these last couple of weeks. 

My baby is definitely getting stronger though. I can now feel and see her kicks a lot more and they feel so much more powerful. I really enjoy sitting and watching my stomach move, and I love making everyone else watch it too!

I had my midwife appointment last week, and she asked about movements then, but at this point I was only really feeling the movements at night, when I was led down in bed or in the bath, but never really during the day. Which she said was normal and it could just be my baby's pattern, or it could be because I'm always busy during the day. 
Then when the midwife said she was going to listen in and she put the microphone thing onto my stomach, straight away the baby kicked. Safe to stay she was moving during the day. 

From what feels like that day I have felt her a lot more even during the day. It's amazing I can now know she's okay and healthy all the time. 

I had a bit of a paranoid moment over the weekend. Because I had felt her moving a lot over the last week then from Friday through to Sunday morning I hadn't really felt her move much. I was feeling little movements but nothing too much. So I just rang the Triage at Burnley just to get some advise and see if the decrease in movement was normal. They said no and that I had t go in to get checked. 
 So I went in and explained I had actually felt a bit of movement so I knew she was okay in that sense but I just needed to know if her not moving the same was normal. So they put me on the monitor and because of all the pressure the midwife was putting on my stomach I could feel the baby squirming away from her. The midwife was laughing at her. Safe to say she was okay. The reason I couldn't feel the baby as much is because of the position she was led in. 
I'm just so happy knowing that the baby is okay. 

That's my last time I will have any sort of appointment in Blackburn/Burnley. 

Me and Luke have moved back to Manchester, but at this point in my pregnancy I had to swap everything over to a Manchester midwife and book into a hospital over here. I was really upset because I couldn't do this without leaving my doctor and registering over here. It makes sense to have a doctor over here, but I love my doctor. She's been amazing with me throughout my entire pregnancy, so it was really upsetting leaving her. 
I have a midwife appointment booked in again to get everything transferred over. 
And after doing my research I think I want to have my baby in St. Mary's hospital. I have the choice for a birthing unit, but my paranoid self says I may as well have my baby in a hospital where if anything does happen then I'm already there. 

After my last post about breast feeding I have had a lot of people come forward and tell me their experiences and it's been a great help. I didn't think that it was as common as it actually is. And getting so many peoples stories has really help boost my confidence. I know that deep down if I don't try I will regret it. I have always said that I want to breastfeed and I'm just scared, but I know I will get a lot of support. 

Cravings are all the same. I'm finding out that I want more and more fizzy pop all the time and fruit. 

My bump is definitely getting big now, and I'm starting to get my first stretch marks. I knew that being this big so early on only means stretch marks. I'm not upset by them like I thought I would be. I guess it's just apart of pregnancy. Some women are lucky and don't get them, unfortunately I'm not one of them, but I've dealt with putting on weight, it's sometimes difficult when I really want to wear something and I just feel like a whale, but I know it's all going to be worth it in the end. 

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  1. So glad everything okay. Fizzy drinks and fruit sounds like a good thing to crave. A friend of mine craved some weird things!

  2. I hope your cravings stay under control; cravings fruits is pretty good :-)
