Thursday 12 March 2015

Dear Diary: Project-B Weeks 16-19

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Opening my first Project-B box was so exciting. If you have ever had a glossy box, it's like receiving that every month, except it's full of pregnancy goodies.

A friend told me about them and straight away I was interested. The good thing is that it's monthly based on how far you are into your pregnancy, so your needs are different, and every box knows it.

Weeks 16-19.

The first thing I saw was a book, I just thought it was a magazine on the brand. But it was actually a recipe book on Super Fruits in pregnancy. This book is amazing, it has some really nice recipes in there. How to make smoothies, what fruits go together well etc... It's really interesting, because eating fruit on it's own can get a little boring, and choir like. Mixing it up like this is a really easy and fun way to get the fruit that you need.

Opening my box was like a child opening a present on Christmas morning. I was so excited.

The first thing I came across, was some cards with tips on...
These cards are really handy. Like the exercise for a fitter pregnancy card, I have always been a bit scared of "over" doing it, and hurting myself. Or worse the baby. So it's really reassuring. And doing these exercises do make you feel like you're doing something to help.
The recipe card is another great one because in my box I got a packet of Quinola.

I have never head Quinola, and it reminds me a lot of couscous. Tasting it also reminded me of couscous. The texture and everything is very similar. I'm not a big fan of it myself, just because of the texture. But I do think that if you are into that kind of thing, it'll make a nicer alternative sometimes.

Next was BBB (Bloom, Bump, Baby) Stretch Mark Defence Body Oil...
And as you can see from my latest bump picture, I don't have any stretch marks. I have been applying this oil every night after my bath or shower. It smells amazing, it doesn't feel oily. It is a little sticky when applying, but dries really fast. I have used Bio Oil in the past for scars, but it is sticky and doesn't really dry, just sort of rubs off. I would highly recommend.

I also got a little tester of Cocoa Butter Formula, I can't really give you my advise on this, as the smell really turns my stomach. I think this is a pregnancy related dislike! I have been told that it's really nice and works wonders on dry skin.

I also got some lovely BB cream from the bran Ginvera, and it was Green Tea scented and it smelt amazing. I have really sensitive skin, but this was so gentle on my face. It just felt like a really nice light moisturizer. I normally suffer from dry skin, but during my pregnancy I have been breaking out, and this BB cream gave me enough coverage, without feeling like I was adding to the problem.

My last thing I got was Mum's D Drops...
In my first midwife appointment she mentioned the lack of Vitamin D within new born babies, because their mums aren't getting enough during pregnancy. So when this came in my box I was actually very happy and relieved there is something out there that can help. You just add one drop to a glass of water each day. It's so easy, along with all the other vitamins that you should be taking during pregnancy, one more won't hurt. I actually enjoy taking my vitamins as I know they are helping baby.

Overall I would highly recommend to newly pregnant ladies. Especially if this is your first baby, as to be honest I am still clueless on a few things, and these boxes make you feel like you've got some guidance. It's reassuring for me to know what I can use within my pregnancy and what I should be eating. There's so many articles and people out there telling you not to use this and not to use that. But Project-B focuses on what you can use and should use.

I look forward to writing about my next box.

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