Saturday 7 February 2015

Dear Diary: Week 17 & 18

Wow these last couple of weeks have been crazy. Mainly because we have been searching high and low for our own place, and thank god, I think we have found one. The application is in and now it's just a waiting game, it looks great though. Back to Manchester for us.
It's exactly what we need as a family, with the baby on the way, we need to get prepared. May my nesting period start!

As for my pregnancy, I'm starting to feel a lot better in myself, I am starting to "feel pregnant" again. Which is reassuring. I'm now starting to feel movements, I try to track them but it's a bit difficult as they aren't kicks as such, they are just little pops and flutters. Although today the pops seem a lot harder, I'm getting really excited!
My midwife told me this is completely normal, and I shouldn't feel proper kicks until around 20 weeks as this is my first child. I can't wait for that day.
I'm constantly stroking my bump waiting to feel her kick, I know that later on in my pregnancy that I'll be begging for her to get her foot out of my ribs, but right now I'm begging for her to kick my as hard has she can so I know she's okay in there.

I had my second midwife appointment this week, which went well, I think. No room for concern.
She told me that my bump was the right size for how far along I am. Then we said that she wanted to listen to the babies heart beat. I was over the moon when I heard that beautiful noise, beating so fast. The midwife was very pleased with the rate the baby's heart was beating. I couldn't stop smiling.

My craving these last couple of weeks have been milk (I don't think this one is going anywhere any time soon), and salt! I know it's really unhealthy, but I'm just craving loads of salt on everything. I've decided to cut it out for a while, I mean more just not adding extra salt onto my food.
Symptoms these last couple of weeks have just been cravings and tiredness, I don't know why I feel so lethargic all the time, I'm getting plenty of sleep at night and I'm taking my iron tablets every night.
I think it's the stress of my job, along with the stress of finding a house. Hopefully once we're out of peaks and we've actually moved I'll start feeling a lot better.

What we have bought (or had bought for us) already. My mum has bought us the baby's cot, moses basket and car seat, and lots of little bits and bobs. Baby has her first tog bag, I'm already in love with her stuff, I pull everything out just to stare at it, I can't believe we're having a baby!!
I can't seem to make my mind up on a pram, but Luke's dad and step-mum are buying us that.
My sister keeps buying clothes, at this rate I'm not going to need to buy anything myself!
I keep reading up on what baby needs and whats best to get, there's so much stuff to think about!
I can't wait to set up her nursery in our new home!
We have decided her nursery furniture is going to be white and a dusty plum colour.

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  1. Aww the flutters... I miss those little flutters.... cute. Good luck with the house move, and hope it goes smoothly for you.

    1. Awwh thank you :) - flutters have started to turn into little pops now, like someone it tapping me but on the inside, it's so strange!

  2. Glad to read that you are feeling well and all is progressing well too. So exciting going through each different stage.

